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5 Moments in History that Louis Made Fans Smile

For five incredible years, the lads of One Direction have found ways – every single day – to enhance the lives of their fans.  They’ve included fans in their story, their history, they’ve built up a home for fans to exist in – safe from the world that might not treat them with open arms and kindness – and on top of that, they’ve given fans love, and a sense of self worth.  It’s absolutely breathtaking to see the bond between One Direction and their fans, but it’s even more magical to get to experience it.

In honor of #HistoryDay we decided to visit some of the times Louis Tomlinson absolutely made the day of one (or more) of his fans.  We could have truly made this an endless list; he never fails to radiate sunshine to every person he encounters.

5. The time he met this crying fan

Louis has such a comforting personality and it’s definitely showcased here.  This fan was so anxious to meet Louis that she started crying before he even walked over to her.  Louis embraces her in a tight hug before calling her love, telling her not to cry, and saying these were ‘happy times’.  The fan said this was one of the best moments of her life and Louis even signed the jersey she was wearing.  She’s incredibly lucky, and we know that Louis knew in that moment how many fans truly love and adore him – just for being himself.

4. When he defended all One Direction fans

@CharlottePeel feel free to insult me but you don't have the right to insult our fans.

— Louis Tomlinson (@Louis_Tomlinson) November 5, 2011

There have been a number of individual times that Louis made fans smile, we wanted to list them all but we would have run out of time and space.  This tweet encompasses who he is, and how he sees all One Direction fans.  Louis would go to battle for any fan of the band, and for some non fans too, just as the people who love and admire him fearlessly protect him every single day.

3. When he noticed the No Control Project

Louis used to be a bit insecure about his voice – and fans always did what they could to motivate him to embrace it.  As One Direction albums came out, you could tell with each new track that Louis was growing a bit more confident in his vocal abilities.  When Four was released, fans heard No Control and immediately went wild.  The song absolutely showcased Louis’ vocal talents, his voice absolutely transformed that song into an anthem of sorts.  Fans decided to take matters into their own hands and perform a fan release for No Control and in each concert the boys performed the song you could tell how thankful he was to them for being incredible, for making his voice so important.  Louis has given fans a voice of their own, so him noticing the effort fans made into making sure Louis realized the importance of his, it was everything.

2. His pinky promise to fans

There have been rumors swirling that this temporary hiatus One Direction is about to embark on is just the way for them to break up.  Louis has answered questions about this time and time again in interviews and he even came to twitter with a promise tweet – the boys are coming back.  They wouldn’t walk away from the dreams they’ve built right alongside their fans – the people who made this life what it is for them.  They’ve all done it together, and this has just been the beginning.

1. His story with Harvey

Fly high buddy x

— Louis Tomlinson (@Louis_Tomlinson) December 7, 2015

Louis’ story with Harvey has to be one of the most touching fan encounters and stories we’ve been made aware of.  There’s not a moment of it that doesn’t bring tears to the eyes of anyone who reads or hears it.  Harvey was a young boy with neuroblastoma and downs syndrome who recently passed away after a courageous battle with the cancer.  Louis was part of Harvey’s last year of life and he did everything in his power to make it incredible.  From giving Harvey the night of a lifetime at his Cinderella Ball, to sending him to Disneyland and even bringing him, VIP style, to One Direction’s London concert.  Harvey carved out a special place in Louis’ heart – one he’ll hold on to forever.  The lives of everyone Louis touches are enhanced forever, but maybe non so much as Harvey and now the members of his family who carry his memory with him.  They’ll always have a bit of Harvey remaining here through Louis.  What a treasure.

Thank you, Louis, for being absolute love, sunshine, and happiness – you truly enhance the lives of everyone around you, and even those who aren’t blessed enough to be around you often.  You’ve truly given One Direction fans the best part of #History.  We love you!

Don’t forget to tweet about #HistoryDay to us at @CelebMix & @CelebMix1D and check out the times Harry, Niall, and Liam made fans smile too!
