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Carol Olsten has the same VA behind the original and English voicing

Fumita Yanagida’s rom-com goodness, Tomo-chan is a Girl! features a unique cast of hilarious supporting characters who have proven essential to the series. From manipulative and assertive Misuzu Gundo to empty-headed Tatsumi Tanabe, the show boasts interesting and well-established characters in the storyline.

But no one came close to the bubbly Carol Olsten, the adorable airhead whose popularity skyrocketed quickly, all thanks to Sally Amaki’s incredible voice acting.

Sally has garnered a lot of praise from anime enthusiasts worldwide and fans of the original manga series for her brilliant portrayal of Carol in the anime series. However, that’s just not it. Sally has also been providing the English dub for the same character in Tomo-chan is a Girl! and has become an internet sensation since the series' debut.

Sally Amaki plays Carol Olsten in both Japanese and English voiceovers in Tomo-chan is a Girl!

Who is Sally Amaki?

Singer and voice actor Sally Amaki was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, United States of America, making Japanese her second language. In 2016, Sally moved back to Japan to pursue a career in voice acting. However, she faced several failures due to her limited proficiency in Japanese, where she had to compete with naturally fluent candidates.

Sally landed an audition for Yasushi Akimoto's girl idol project named 22/7 and secured the spot for Sakura Fujima. Later, her popularity skyrocketed among video game enthusiasts after she provided the voice for Kiriko in Overwatch 2. Eventually, she got her breakthrough in Tomo-chan is a Girl! by taking on the role of Carol Olsten.

Being bilingual ultimately created an opportunity for Sally to do the English dub of the same character. A video of her doing a voiceover for Carol Olsten at the studio in both Japanese and English took the internet by storm.

Sally received praise from the show's viewers for beautifully capturing the essence of her character. On March 4, 2023, the voice actor hosted the 7th Crunchyroll Anime Awards alongside Jon Kabira in the heart of Tokyo, Japan.

About Sally Amaki’s character in Tomo-chan is a Girl!:

Sixteen-year-old Carol Olsten, a girl of British descent in Tomo-chan is a Girl!, suddenly became the talk of the town after her first day at school. Due to her eccentric and incessantly cheerful disposition, people around her get mesmerized by her prettiness. However, unbeknownst to most people and even her, she is an airhead who often does things she shouldn’t and often puts herself in danger.

As she is completely oblivious to how modern society works due to being brought up in a wealthy family, it is hard for her to grasp the usual things and behave reasonably. She even thinks she will marry Kousuke Misaki, her distant cousin, whom she has idolized since childhood. Kousuke has always been a guardian angel to Carol, as he stays by her side to protect her from imminent danger.

Although Carol is a space case, she understands the meaning of friendship and bonds and loves to hang out with her friends. Carol always had poor judgment in giving gifts, as on Tomo's birthday, she gave her a gold brick. She can also switch to her lethal side by tasing anyone if anyone tries to hurt her friends.

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